Xvideoservicethief Download Multiple Youtube Videos Simultaneously 9,6/10 3850 votes

XVideoServiceThief xVideoServiceThief is a program for downloading video clips from the most popular sites for sharing video (YouTube, Yahoo, Google Videos, Metacafe). The application allows: • downloading video materials from over 70 sites (currently 76) • simultaneous downloading of multiple files • using drag and drop method • supporting proxy and working in background • converting files to AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP and MP3 format • planning a schedule of downloading • searching files in the network • resuming/stopping download • support for HTTP and RTMP protocols • protecting children from sites with pornography.

Convert youtube video to mp3 on-line with a command line script. Before you can use the script make sure you have 'youtube-dl' and 'ffmpeg' installed. We will use youtube-dl to download youtube videos, and ffmpeg to convert them into the mp3 format. Create a new file. Gedit youtube2mp3.and paste the following script: #!/bin/bash x=/tmp/.youtube-dl-$(date +%y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S)-$RANDOM.flv youtube-dl --output=$x --format=18 '$1' avconv -i $x -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 128k -vn -y '$2' rm $x # if you get 'ERROR: unable to download video' # update youtube-dl with # sudo youtube-dl -U ( avconv is used in DEBIAN and UBUNTU instead of ffmpeg) Save and close gedit. Now install the script somewhere easily accessible. Sudo install youtube2mp3 /usr/local/bin Now you can convert youtube videos into mp3 files by using the following command (including the double quotes): youtube2mp3 'youtube-link' 'mp3-file.mp3' For this script to work, avconv OR ffmpeg must be able to use the libmp3lame code (libavcodec-extra-53 and libavcodec-extra-52), not provided with the ffmpeg on Ubuntu ().


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Also, the script is very verbose. Use the following command if you don't want to see all the messages on your screen: youtube2mp3 'youtube-link' 'mp3-file.mp3' > /dev/null You can also use the following command to make the script run in the background. This way you will be able to run multiple instances of the script at the same time. Youtube2mp3 'youtube-link' 'mp3-file.mp3' > /dev/null & How it works The way this script works is really simple. First it downloads the youtube video into a temporary file, converts the video to mp3 and then deletes the temporary file. Let's go through this script step-by-step. • The first line of the script assigns a random.flv filename to the variable $x.

• The second line downloads the youtube video into the temporary file named $x. It automatically downloads the HQ version of the video if it's available. • The third line extracts the audio from the video and converts it into an mp3 file with the filename you specified. • The last line removes the temporary file created in step 2. Youtube-dl install from Ubuntu Software Center youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from and other sites that don't provide direct links to the videos served.

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