Rammstein Mein Herz Brennt Piano Version Noti 6,9/10 6902 votes

Mix - Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt, Piano Version (Official Video) YouTube Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt (Official Video) - Duration: 5:07. Rammstein Official 66,500,353 views.

I have a different opinion. When we take into account the video clip and the lyrics i say: Till (singer) was a victim of some terrors (could be nightmares, or worse, but not specified) together with the other kids. This is based on the fact that in the video he follows the “nurse” which is in one shot young and in the other old. Therefore he knew here at both times. This is also supported by the scene where the young nurse goes into the classroom and a young boy (young Till) in a rabbit costume shows her he will cut her throat. Minecraft pirate ship battle royale server ip address. So obviously he seeks revenge. However I don’t think the main problem is the nurse.

In the clip there is a demon who held kids in a basement of some kind. I would say he is the bad guy.

In the clip the “staff” of the orphanage are taking tears (=pain) and put it in the veins of some kind of doll, who later takes the kids under her skirt, which is obviously a defensive move, trying to protect the kids. Programma proverka klaviaturi noutbuka na. Like she feels their pain which circles in her veins all the time. This in my opinion is the effort of the orphanage to give the kids a home, like a mother figure who can protect them, because they can’t manage them on their own.

The “Doll mother” takes a few kids under her skirt and saves them. The rest of the kids are locked up in the basement and only manage to get out when they are adults, which is also in the clip. Therefore I conclude that the anger of Till is the inability of the adults (nurse, staff and the doll mother in some extent) to protect the other innocent children from the horrors of the world. From this anger “his heart burns” and can’t continue in his life till he gets revenge and saves the rest. Ou and last thing. The “voice from the pillow” i believe is Till himself as an adult telling to his younger self and the kids that all we be good and he will revenge them when he is older and therefore can take care of himself.

When he is done he rips out his heart, because his work is done and the sun can shine on the sky again= better days. No you’re not twisted.


I thought this too. It stood out to me as a survivor of such.

The band relate the song quite well. Oddly, I find this song healing to know that such strong, powerful men are singing and thus bring to the “light” such a often kept quiet and hidden horror. Thank you Rammstein for allowing me a release in your music. Maybe I am twisted too, but this song is rather healing. It allows me to cry and shout the lyrics and then relax with a smoke – my church might say do not listen to these songs, but you see it was a person whom sung at church whom got me, and the church that tried to silence me. This song is like having Dark Knights raise their sword and say it how it is –.

On the one hand, rolling the R is a dialect thing (Bavarian, for instance, rolls it). On the other hand, it is also something done in classical singing. If you listen to German operas, for instance, you will notice that they often, if not always, roll the R (you will notice the same in some French operas). Till is from Berlin so his dialect doesn’t technically roll the R, and he doesn’t do it every time there is an R, but with the vocal style he uses, it makes sense for him to roll the R in music. It gives more clarity to the consonant and makes it easier to sing the word than trying to add the sound that is the modern German r. I know this is 5 years late, but I hope it helps 🙂 PS.: Since you took German, I am adding this link for reference. See paragraph “Beim Singen ganz vorne”.