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V zgodovini slovaške književnosti je Janko Silan zapisan kot najpomembnejši pesnik slovaške katoliške moderne in duhovni pesnik par excellence. Članek se osredotoča na interpretacijo njegove debitantske zbirke Čuki (Kuvici). Analiza figurativnosti in stilizacije lirskega subjekta odkriva inspiracijo s slovaškim, češkim in francoskim modernizmem. Ob tem je v okviru simbolistične poetike uporabil tudi folklorne teme. Poetiko Silanove debitantske zbirke bi lahko označili kot simbolistični, včasih celo dekadentni modernizem. In the history of Slovak literature, Janko Silan is a well-known poet of Slovak Catholic modernism and spiritual poetry. This article outlines an interpretation of his debut collection, Kuvici.

Silan’s use of figurative language and the stylizations of his lyric subject reveal that he was inspired by the poetics of Slovak, Czech, and French modernism. We can categorize his style as a symbolic, sometimes decadent, modernism. Silan used motifs from folklore. He created an unique original poetic world in the centre of which is depicted the problematic nature of human life.


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