Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf To Word 5,9/10 8388 votes

Kashf al-Asrar is a book written in 1943 by Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic. 'Political Legitimacy in Khomeini's Kashf-i Asrar (The Unveiling of Secrets)' (PDF). Kashf al-Asrar is a book written in 1943 by Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic. 'Political Legitimacy in Khomeini's Kashf-i Asrar (The Unveiling of Secrets)' (PDF). ^ Ghorbani, M (2 June 2010). Kubezumie 2 na kompjyuter cherez torrent. 'A Book Named Kashf al-Asrar'.